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Byeokgang Central Library


Byuckkang Main Library

Toward dreams, toward the future, Byuckkang Library is with you every step of the way.
The library ( collects and categorizes various information necessary for the learning and research activities of students and faculty. It has implemented a user-friendly and specialized library management system to provide data quickly and accurately. The library not only possesses and preserves all recorded media, including domestic and international specialized books, reference materials such as dictionaries and maps, academic journals, general publications, theses, non-book materials, and electronic resources but also opens pathways beyond its own dimension for access. It serves as a central institution supporting the knowledge creation and research of the university. Furthermore, the library strengthens user-centric services and provides mobile services for electronic materials, including e-Books, e-Learning, Audio-Books, Web DB, and electronic journals, to enhance library utilization. It has also established domestic and international cooperative networks, fulfilling its role as a comprehensive academic information center.

Byeokgang Central Library Information

Byeokgang Central Library Information
Section Phone FAX
Library director's office 054-479-1080 054-479-1089
Humanities Archives 054-479-1082
ArchivesⅠ,Ⅱ 054-479-1081

Main Tasks

  • 1. Selection and acquisition of domestic and international materials (books, periodicals, electronic resources).
  • 2. Organization and classification tasks for materials.
  • 3. Management of material access (loan and return) tasks.
  • 4. Material management and preservation tasks.
  • 5. Copying, printing, and support tasks for materials.
  • 6. Support for user information requests (interlibrary loan services, reference services, etc.).
  • 7. Facility management for user spaces (seminar rooms, reading rooms, lockers, etc.).

Location Guide

  • Byeokgang Central Library